Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holidays have started... Northampton

A bit of a hiccup to the start of our holidays... Dads car had to get some work done as the air-con decided to play up. With temps in the high 30's it's very needed! We finally made it out of Perth at 6:15pm last night & arrived in Northampton at 11:30pm. The Blossum & I both slept in the car (She more than me!)... tg for not being the driver :D I love being a passenger. Although... I have come to appreciate being a driver more in recent years than I used to :)

With the flooding around Canarvon blocking the road through to Warroora we've decided to spend today with my sis & family here & head to Karijini National Park tomorrow morning... that's a 10hr drive... & we will stop in at Warroora on the way back instead.

The Blossum is enjoying playing with her cousins & I'm loving that she is using her cousins' MCNs instead of the Eco-Disposables that I've brought along for camping. Planning on plenty of nappy free time when we are out in nature :D

She hasn't used sposies in about 9 months. When we are at home she is nappy free 90% of the time. She even wakes up in the morning dry more often than not. The old terry cloth nappies do get a workout mopping up the misses though ;) I'm so glad I don't have carpet in most of our place. I put MCNs om her when we are out & about & overnight. MCNs are so cute on those little bums :D

As a bonus... MCNs also make good head support for when 4WDing :D

I use BBH Petites most often as I love how they fit on her slim bum & I have never had a leak or poonami explosion out of them. Also I like being able to match the different colour to whatever outfit I want to put on her. I do have a few pretties too... including some denim bizzy bumz, a holdens landing, a Christmas cushie tushies, & a Very Hungry Caterpillar... All of them All-in-2 style MCNs, I'm not keen on stuffing liners in pockets.

I had a lovely surprise awaiting me at my sisters' when we arrived last night... a Genesa Forge MCN with a gorgeous peacock embroidery on the bum :D I'm looking fwd to putting it on her when we are back home!

Do you use Sposies, Eco-sposies, Cloth Nappies, or MCNs? Which type & why?

Back on topic of our trip... I'm glad for that extra sleep I did get in the car as it was very broken sleep overnight on a single mattress on the floor. I was very conscious of the Blossum next to me & not letting her roll off in her sleep :/ Oh & then there was the rooster crowing in the first light before the ruckus of 4 noisy girls playing in the early hours of the morning lol Here's to children who DON'T wake up early!!! I love that we usually stay in bed until 8am or so :)

I've always been a night owl myself & thankfully the Blossum has fallen into a similar sleeping pattern to myself. For her it's usually down for the night around 8:30-9pm. She has a couple of breastfeeds before 1am & another in the early morning around 6-7am then back to sleep for another hour or 2 :D

What is sleep times like in your household?

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